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THE AMERICAN IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY - One Hundred and Nineteenth Annual Dinner of the Society

  • Thursday, November 03, 2016
  • 6:30 PM
  • The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Park Avenue and 50th Street, New York, NY


requests the pleasure of your company
  at the

One Hundred and Nineteenth 
Annual Dinner of the Society 
on Thursday, November Third

The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
Park Avenue and 50th Street,
New York, NY

The Guest of Honor
Kevin M. McGovern

 Lawrence W. Casey
Dinner Chairman

 Maureen Scannell Bateman
President General

Reception at six thirty o'clock  *  Dinner at seven thirty o'clock 
Black Tie
$25,000 Premier Table of Ten
$10,000 Select Table of Ten
$1,000 Individual Ticket

Please make all checks payable to the American Irish Historical Society or call the Society at (212) 288-2263 with any questions. Please submit table lists electronically to Sophie Colgan,, at your earliest convenience for inclusion in the seating program. 

The American Irish Historical Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation. Donations to the Society are deductible for income tax purposes. The tax-deductible portion is $7,500 per Select Table and $22,500 per Premier Table.

WE THANK OUR ANNUAL Partners & Sponsors

IBO Sponsor Bank of Ireland

IBO Sponsor Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme

Irish Business Organization
of New York, Inc.

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